ARTICLE I Name 1. The name of the Corporation shall be “MILL GLEN SWIM CLUB, INC.”
The Corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors which shall consist of thirteen (13) members, all of whom serve without compensation. Initially, six (6) members elected for a term of one (1) year, and seven (7) elected for a term of two (2) years, and thereafter each year, six (6) and seven (7) members respectfully elected for a term of two (2) years. No member of the Board of Directors shall succeed himself more than two (2) terms unless no replacement can be found.
Meetings and Duties of Directors
The officers of the Corporation shall be a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary, all of whom, shall serve without compensation. Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors from their own membership at their first meeting each year, and serve for a term of one (1) year. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, elect additional officers with such duties and responsibilities as the Board may delegate to them.
Notwithstanding anything in this Article VI to the contrary, any member who belonged under Resident Membership as defined in this Paragraph 1., above, and leaves, or has left prior to the effective date of the amendment, the area defined in this Paragraph 1., without resigning, or otherwise transferring, their membership, shall heretofore be classified as part of the Resident Membership.
2) Members of the family shall be defined as the husband and wife and all minors, unmarried children residing in the Member’s home (children to include natural, adopted or legal wards) and other persons as the Board of Directors may designate (such as, but not exclusively, relatives residing in the Member’s home).
3) The number of active Members (excluding seniors) in the Corporation shall be determined by the Board of Directors, but shall not at any time exceed two hundred and forty (240).
4) The Board of Directors can accept up to twenty percent (20%) of its authorized membership level as “Senior Memberships”. Memberships designated as “Senior” must meet the following qualifications:
1.One member at least 65 years of age
2.Previous active membership term of at least fifteen (15) years
3.No children living at home
Note: Beginning in 2016 there is a group of seniors who had met prior membership qualifications (members for 5 years with no children living at home and no member playing on a Mill Glen ALTA team) but these members do not meet the new senior member definition. These members will stay senior members.
The conversion to a Senior Membership shall have no impact on the value of the bond/certificate held by the Senior Member or on his/her rights as a member, except as stated in Senior qualifications. In the event more than the authorized number of members wish to convert to a Senior membership, such conversion shall be based on seniority in the Corporation as determined by the date on the bond. Senior membership conversions will take place only if Regular membership can be maintained at least 210 Full Members.
Senior Membership shall not count toward the authorized membership level, but is a distinct class of Membership.
5) A Member may assume an “Inactive Membership” status by requesting such status in written communication with the Board. A Member accepted for inactive membership status shall retain his/her bond/certificate, but will have no other rights as a Member of the Corporation. An Inactive Member will not be required to pay annual dues or any assessments, provided the number of Active memberships in the Corporation does not fall below one hundred eighty (180). In the event the number of active memberships drops below one hundred eighty (180), Inactive Memberships would revert to an Active Membership status; provided, however, if there are more Inactive memberships than there are vacancies in the Active membership, the Inactive Members, at their option, may retain their inactive status by paying a pro rata share of dues, not to exceed the established annual dues for an Active Member. The pro rata dues to be paid by Inactive Members would be in an amount sufficient to increase dues revenues to the Corporation to the level that would have been obtained if the Corporation had one hundred eighty (180) active dues-paying Members.
Inactive Memberships shall not count toward authorized membership levels.
If, an Inactive Member wishes for his/her Membership to convert back to active status, the Inactive Member will be placed first on the waiting list and will return to active status at the time of the first vacancy in the Active Membership. If the Member re-activates, they will owe the dues for the full year. If a member wishes to reactive a membership within the same year as going inactive, and if there is no waiting list, the member will need to pay all applicable late fees for that year.
6) The Board of Directors shall vote upon each applicant at their first regular meeting after receiving the application for membership and required initiation fee. Election to membership shall require approval by a majority of the members of the Board present, and vote shall be by ballot. Non-resident memberships are contingent upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
7) After election, the Vice-President shall notify the member-elect and furnish him a copy of the by-laws and rules of the Corporation, and upon his subscribing to same and paying the required fee for the membership Certificate, and dues provided in Article IX, he shall be entitled to all rights of a Member.
8) Any member-elect not complying with the foregoing requirements within a period of thirty (30) days from the notification of his election, shall be considered as having declined Membership.
9) A Member may, for cause, be suspended for a period not to exceed three (3) months by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors present at any meeting thereof, or expelled by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the entire membership of the Board. Cause for suspension or expulsion shall, in general, consist of violation of these by-laws or the rules of the Corporation, or for conduct unbecoming a lady or gentleman, and such Member shall be served with notice of all charges against him. Upon expulsion, the Membership shall be forfeited together with all rights, interests, and fees or dues paid into the Corporation. Opportunity shall be afforded a Member suspended or expelled to appeal the ruling of the Board at a regular or special meeting of the Membership. A majority vote of the Members present will prevail.
10) The following provisions are made for transfer of Membership:
11) Member desiring to resign shall submit a letter of resignation together with his membership certificate. The club shall redeem the membership certificate for either 1) the value being charged the new members if the membership was initiated prior to 2016 or 2) 50% of the value being charged the new members if the membership was initiated between 1/1/2016 and 12/31/2020. Members joining the club after 1/1/2021 will not be entitled to a refund of their certificate. Membership certificates will be redeemed in sequence as new members join unless funds are deemed available by the Board of Directors.
12) All members of the Corporation shall be accorded the facilities of the Corporation subject to the Rules and Regulations which shall be posted at all times. The Board of Directors shall fix the terms, conditions, and fees by which guests of members, limited to persons residing outside the defined boundaries of membership, may use the Corporation facilities. The exception to this rule is guests who live within the defined boundaries, and who are on the waiting list to become members; provided however, that when the opportunity to join comes up to join the club, that person must join or forfeit their privilege to come as a guest. Any property of the Corporation broken, or damaged by a Member or his guest shall be promptly paid for by such Member. No articles belonging to the Corporation may be taken or borrowed without approval of a member of the Board of Directors. The Corporation assumes no responsibility and members or their guests can have no claim against the Corporation for the property of members or any guest brought into or left in the buildings, or on the grounds of the Corporation. The Corporation assumes no responsibility and members or their guests can have no claim against the Corporation for any accident or injury to any person or their property.
13) The waiting list shall consist of the applicants having paid the initiation fee to the Corporation. The waiting list will be maintained chronologically by date of application. However, applicants on the waiting list who would be considered residents as defined in paragraph 1 of this Article VI, shall always be placed ahead of non-resident applicants.
Membership Meetings
Fees and Dues
Indemnification of Directors
Amendments to the By-laws
Certificate of Membership
The Seal
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